
User Manual for National Youth Parliament Scheme (NYPS) Application


  • Public site
  • Users Registration
  • Institute Dashboard
  • Admin
  • Super Admin

Public site

Go to login URL –

Above mentioned URL of NYPS takes user to the public website of NYPS. All the details regarding NYPS like Home, Guidelines & Contact are displayed to user.


"Home" Button shows the Count of all request and other necessary information like News, Photo Gallery, Schemes, videos etc.


After clicking on the "Guidelines" Button, necessary information regarding NYPS is visible.

User Guide

After clicking on the "User Guide" Button, User Guide information regarding NYPS ia visible.


After clicking on the "Brochure" Button, necessary information regarding NYPS is visible.

Contact Us

After clicking on the "Contact us" Button, Contacts of NYPS officials will be displayed.

Users Registration

Clicking on the "Sign In" Button to register as new user and also for signing in for registered users. Login using same user name and password

  • Kishore Sabha (For Schools Class IX to XII)
  • Tarun Sabha (Colleges/Universities)

Users Registration

Click on the "New Registration" Tab, new registration form will appear:-

Select from Kishore Sabha or Tarun Sabha, and fill up the form with necessary details:-

*(After Submission, you will get an OTP on your Registered Mobile Number. Enter OTP and click on verify)

After logging in Dashboard will appear as follows:-

Institute Dashboard

After clicking on the “Institution Details’’ Button, Institution Details form will be open as shown in the screenshot below: -

Fill the details shown in the form, upload requisite photographs in jpg format only (<30 kb) and click on "Save & Submit" button, for saving your details.

Reports on Conduct of Youth Parliament

After clicking on the “Reports on Conduct of YP’’ Button, Reports form will open as shown in the screenshot below:-

*(5 Photographs and 1 video of the event organized is Mandatory, for saving & submitting data.)
After filling up all the details in the form click on the “Save & Submit” button, for saving your details.

Student Details

After clicking on the “Student Details’’ Button, Student Detail form will open as shown in the screenshot below: -

*(Click on the “Add” button for Enable all the Text box and Dropdown)

After filling up all the details of participating students along with their photographs (in jpg format < 50 kb) in the form click on the “Save” button, for saving your details.

Application Status

After clicking on the “Application Status” Button, Status of your application can be viewed. (i.e. Letter under Process & Approved).


After clicking on the “Feedback” Button, Feedback Detail form will open as shown in the screenshot below: -

After filling up all the details in the form click on the “Submit” button, for sharing your valuable feedbacks.